Currently using 2015-05-05 image rasbian-wheezy OR using latest rasbian-jessie In the case jessie is being used: Autoscript for boot sequence must be placed in /etc/xdg/autostart/ folder The command to start our shell script is a .desktop file and should be formatted in the following way: [Desktop Entry] Name=piperBoot Type=Application Exec=sh /usr/local/games/piper/boot_files/Piper2 Name can be anything, but I set it up as so on our test jessie image for the time being. *Use "Raspberry-PI-SD-Installer-OS-X-master” to copy the SD card image IN raspi-config menu ( also can be done with shell script): * Option 1 - do get more space option * Boot to desktop change from default - prevent needing to login on restart everytime * Option 3 - Overclock as needed * change the keyboard to be a US keyboard layout To change in OS : * Hide the “Taskbar" at top by right clicking on it > Panel Settings > Advanced > Minimize When note in use * Clear Desktop Icons * Change background image to be piper logo * Add videos to filesystem The first time: Login name: pi pwd: raspberry run to start the gui > startx # -------------------- AUTOSTART INSTRUCTION FOR WHEEZY ONLY-------------------- # This is for WHEEZY ONLY IF NEEDED #to auto launch the GUI after pi has #booted into the LXDE environment #add the following line to end of "autostart" #found /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi #the type 'sudo nano autostart' to edit the file #add this line as the last line in the file: @sh /home/pi/Desktop/Piper2 #this currently points to a shell script on the desktop, but #can be any directory (i.e., our piper directory) # -------------------- Things to install -------------------- # Make sure apt-get is up to date with all the latest sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade # — for game -- sudo apt-get -y install xdotool # for simulating key strokes in game sudo apt-get -y libudev-dev # for python-uinput sudo apt-get -y python-dev # for pillow # install python packages needed for game sudo pip install python-gtk2 # for GUI sudo pip install Pillow # for image conversion sudo pip install python-uinput # for emulating keyboard presses # — Useful tools-- sudo apt-get -y sshfs # to help with remote login sudo apt-get install chromium # Make sure there is good default browser installed sudo apt-get -y install emacs sudo apt-get -y install vim # -------------------- Useful Commands -------------------- # Use this tool in command line to get window info on click xwininfo # --------------------- Resetting a box manually --------------------- The easiest way to reset level progress/locked levels/userID/screenshots/other locally stored data is to delete the userData folder in home/pi/piper/game This will reset most relevant play data, generate a new userID when you connect to WiFi and reset in game progress/tracking Any added wifi ssid networks should be removed from /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf Card should be switched to master if not already done so (sudo git checkout master) Any other branches shuld be removed from local memory: git branch -d the_local_branch # --------------------- For hard merging branches to other branches --------------------- overwrite branch_old with branch_new git checkout branch_new git merge -s ours branch_old git checkout branch_old git merge branch_new