0:00:02,000 --> 0:00:07
(ENGINEER DUDE) O, Nice! Looks like Pip and PiperBot 
are now ready to use their Temperature Sensor!

0:00:07,000 --> 0:00:12,000
I hope they remember what I taught them about how 
to connect their sensors. Maybe they need a refresher. 

0:00:13,000 --> 0:00:19,000
To connect the sensor to the Raspberry Pi, we need to
use the 4-Pin Diode Jumper Cable from the Sensor
Explorer box. 

0:00:19,000 --> 0:00:26,000 
To wire up a sensor, we need to connect wires to 
power and ground pins on the Raspberry Pi.

0:00:26,000  --> 0:00:39,000
Now, normally, switching power and ground wires to connect
the sensor can cause serious problems. The cable prevents
the danger of accidentally switching these two wires by
stopping the circuit from completing in the wrong direction.

0:00:40,000  --> 0:00:43,000
(ENGINEER DUDE) And... that’s what I taught them.

0:00:43,000  --> 0:00:45,000
I really hope they remember!